What to expect

Besides for the fact that you are going to be actively encouraged to create your game, by actively participating in this Introduction to Game Design course you will:

  • Walk through our 10 Step Game Design Process

  • Be educated through 3+ hours of video lessons!

  • Access hours of activities and supplemental materials

  • Receive encouragement to design your game!

Course Overview

This course has more than 3 hours of video lessons, hours of activities, supplemental content, and assignments to help make you be successful in designing a game!

Course Curriculum

  1. 2
    • Brief History of Games

    • Examples of Modern Games

    • Our Design Space

  2. 3
    • Do we need more games?

    • Getting to Know You

    • Reflection - All About You

  3. 4
    • Our 10 Step Design Process

    • The Magic Circles

    • A Quick Note About Art & More

    • Diagnose a Game

  4. 5
    • How to Start Designing

    • Time to Select Your Mechanics

    • Submit Your Game's Mechanics

  5. 6
    • Rules 101

  6. 7

    • Reflection Activity

  7. 8
    • Your First Playtest

    • Assignment Instructions - Playtest Your Game

    • Assignment Submission - Playtest Your Game

  8. 9
    • Feedback 101

  9. 10
    • Focus on the Fun!!!

    • Refining our Game Towards the Fun!!!

  10. 11
    • Final Stretch - New Playtest Goals!!!

  11. 12
    • Reminder

  12. 13
    • Purpose of Art, Components, & Design

    • Aesthetic Value

    • Let's talk Legal

  13. 14
    • Pitching Your Game

    • Assignment - Pitch Your Game

  14. 15
    • "How to Play Video"

    • Assignment - "How to Play Video"

  15. 16
    • Time to Celebrate

    • Course & Instructor Feedback


President | Tabletop Alliance

Bruce Brown

Bruce is the President and Co-Founder of Tabletop Alliance, a volunteer run 501c3 nonprofit organization that equips and develops educators as well as community leaders to use games to further their outcomes. In addition, Bruce works full-time as a Leadership Education Coordinator a large research university university where he teaches several courses, is nearing the completion of a Ph.D. in Human Resource Development, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Leadership Trainer a 501c3 nonprofit leadership facilitation certificate program. Outside of work Bruce is an an absolute geek who loves board games, role playing games, and following passions. To those ends, Bruce Co-Hosts the Board Game Impact podcast and is a regular volunteer on Team Geek at each of the BoardGameGeek Conventions.